So in my last video I shared what was really wearing on me. I felt inert and like I wasn’t being a valuable member of society (THAT WAS WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY LAST NIGHT…awesome) Anyway, I think I mentioned this in that video as well that I’ve been CONSUMING CONSUMING CONSUMING and I needed to start creating in order to be that valuable member of society. So I’m taking time to reset and create, starting with my daily vlogs and drawing, and ultimately I will say I feel re-energized. Even though it wasn’t the best drawing/painting it made me feel good and productive. Maybe it’s not the day I planned, but it definitely was the feeling I’ve been searching for. This really fed my soul in a way I have been missing for years. Wow I haphazardly found me new self care habit…Anyway, for the time being while I’m finding my style I’m just going to upload videos and my drawing and writing and learn…(I don’t consider that passive consumption, as long as it’s either to fix a problem or I’m reading). Man I can’t believe I’ve been going about this the wrong way for so long. Seriously, I need to remember that I’m an outlier and so what typically works for most usually don’t quite work for me, no matter how well it works. Anyway until tomorrow guys I’ve got my French and German Lessons to complete before heading to bed.
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